Friday, 24 June 2016

How to Begin a Blog: An Experiment

Many of my associates resist the "blogosphere" because they are afraid that someone will steal their ideas, someone will make fun of their posts, or that they will waste their time because they do not have something important to say. Throw all those old ideas away. When you write a blog post you usually write it because you are making notes that you do not want to lose. There is nothing like the present for taking note of inspiration and imagination that you have.

Even if you are only repeating ideas of others or making a collection of thinking perspectives, you will find that over the length of only about 3 posts, your writing engine begins to hum on its own. Many people have kept journals. Many people have kept notebooks. Each of these writing starters has helped authors to develop. A blog does the same for people in the 21st century.

Blog posts are also very helpful when you want to get a sense of time. The energy needed to post is minimal but when you look back over your posts you will notice a pattern of change in thinking simply by putting your ideas to post. Think about yourself today. What have you thought about, accomplished, decided you would like to do? If you talk to yourself or others through a blog you will project what you would like to accomplish, what you would like to to do or achieve. Try this simple experiment. Sign in to a blog account and post three items over three days. Then, come back to the posts on the fourth day and see how your imagination has been activated.

One of my associates stated that the best part of this exercise was having the chance to see himself in print (online print) for the first time. It made him see the possibilities for his future.

If you try this experiment then please join our Writing Stars community (homepage) and find out how others did in the experiment.